However, there is a right way and a wrong way to launch a Mastermind, and the success of your group will be down to the action you take along the way.
That's why I've put together a step-by-step system for you to follow that ensures your launch process is successful, and that the Mastermind you run works seamlessly for both you and your members.
In my system, you'll see every single stage of the process mapped out for you, including the emails you need to send to generate members for your mastermind, your telephone call strategy to close your prospects and the pricing strategy you need to make it a worthwhile, profitable venture.
But here are two biggest ones:
Derek Doke, CCIM
Real Estate Investment Specialist
By assuming a $750 a month membership (I've seen groups that charge a lot more, but the figure works as a starter for 10), and deciding how many members you'd like in your group, you can quickly see the impact a Mastermind group will have on your income:
I've been part of mastermind groups in the past and how I wish they would have been run like this. Now I'm starting my own mastermind group I have a definitive template to work from which will save me so much time.
I would also take the option to work with Nick as he will help you drill down and define your exact target audience so you get more delegates sooner matching your skill set and your industry knowledge. The best value item I've bought this year, can't wait to get started.
With a Mastermind group, it really is win-win – more income, which allows you to improve your lifestyle, and provide for your family, and more time, which means you can spend more time doing the things you love with the people you love.
I've been running my consultancy business for nearly 20 years now, and I still haven't come across anything better than a Mastermind group for dramatically increasing income whilst still protecting your time.
And over the years, I've seen firsthand just how powerful Mastermind groups are.
I've run numerous for my own business and been a member of many other people's Mastermind groups too, which means I've got a huge amount of experience in what it takes to launch, run and grow a successful group.
Marketing is my thing, and I've been involved in several successful Mastermind launches, generating hundreds of thousands of pounds in income and helping my clients achieve fantastic work/life balance at the same time.
And Mastermind isn't just something I've "sold" – I've been a member of multiple groups over the years, and am currently in two Masterminds; I truly believe in the power of process.
I've seen firsthand how a Mastermind group can transform businesses; it's happened with my own business, as well as the clients in my own groups.
Nothing catapults an average performer into an exceptional performer better than a group of business peers who listen to your commitments every month and expect you to have undertaken them before the next meeting.
How much would you pay to discover exactly what you need to do to add $50,000 per annum to your business turnover?
10% would seem like a pretty fair investment, would it not, particularly as Mastermind revenue is usually exceptionally high margin.
If I offered most business owners the chance to give me $5,000 in order to generate $50,000 per annum, they'd bite my arm off, and that's how valuable this Blueprint is.
But the good news is that it's not going to cost you $5,000, or anything close to that.
The Mastermind Group Model Blueprint is available for a fraction of that price IF YOU TAKE ACTION TODAY.
I don't want price to be a barrier in the way you of you taking action here, and I want to ensure that you do actually launch your Mastermind and hugely increase your income and profitability, as well as enjoying your business more.
So, I make this special offer to you in the sincere hope that you take action and see the results that you are looking for.
In the table below, you'll see exactly what you're getting – for under $50, you'll get all of the information you need to launch your group, and for under $300, you'll have me mentoring and coaching you through an online private mentoring thread just for you and me.
I know it works, and I know that every scrap of information in it, every instruction, every template is proven to work.
However, I don't want anything to stop you taking action, which is why I'm happy to guarantee your investment.
Invest in the guide, and if in the following 30 days you decide that it doesn't represent value for money, I'll refund you every penny.
But the action you take now will determine whether your group is likely to be a success.
Will you keep scrolling around, accessing information about Masterminds, but never truly taking the plunge and getting your group launched?
Or will you accept my offer, secure your Blueprint today and make rapid action towards a new profitable revenue stream that provides more fun and more profit, and gives you more time back in your life?
If it's the latter, you need to click the button now – when you do I'll be in touch to deliver your guide, and if you've opted for mentoring, you'll instantly receive access to your private one to one mentoring thread so that I can help you as you work through all parts of the guide to ensure that you make your Mastermind Group as successful as possible.
So, what are you waiting for? Let's get your group launched....