Are you an expert who is tired from working so hard with one on one clients even though it provides you with a nice income?
As a business consultant, I fully understand the path that has led you here.
You start off your business desperate to land any clients at any price.
You quickly realise your value and start to increase prices, which gives your income a nice nudge upwards, but there is still a fundamental problem:
The only way to increase your income is to work with more and more clients, but the endless emails, zooms and emergencies are wearing you down.
Whilst you are not at all ungrateful for where you have arrived at, you realise that there has to be a better way to leverage your expertise.
Maybe you would like to have more time in your day, week and month to work on passion projects, or just enjoy more time with your loved ones, whilst still earning the same or even more income?
You wonder if that is even possible?
With a Mastermind Group, it absolutely is, if you get it right.
Launching your own Mastermind group is a really smart thing for any expert business owner to do.

There's zero doubt that Mastermind groups are a powerful and proven way to deliver exceptional value, whilst maximising your time AND making money.

However, there is a right way and a wrong way to launch a Mastermind, and the success of your group will be down to the action you take along the way.

Got at the launch half cocked and you are almost certain to fail.

Go at it correctly, with all of the right processes and checks in place and you are almost certain to succeed.

But what is the difference that makes the difference?

I will explain that shortly, but first, why is it a good idea for an expert (Coach, Consultant or Mentor) to launch a group?

Nick Jervis, Mastermind Group Expert
Why Launch A Mastermind?
Having arrived at this page, you're most likely already convinced of the value of running a Mastermind, and for good reason – there are many good reasons to launch a Mastermind.

But here are some of the biggest ones:

  • You move from draining and tiring 1:1 coaching and consulting to one to many (the holy grail of any expert business). In the process you free up DAYS of your time that you can spend doing the things important to you, including spending time with your loved ones; and
  • You dramatically increase your income. By servicing multiple clients at the same time you rapidly grow your 'per hour' fee making you more income from less time.
  • It is really good fun. I am a big believer that you absolutely must have fun running your business. You spend so much time working that you absolutely have to enjoy that time.

    I have had some of the most fun business days ever in Mastermind Groups; both my own and in ones that I have attended. You can do the same when you launch your own Mastermind Group.
But there is an extra benefit alongside the fun and leverage of your time that launching a Mastermind Group brings to you.
Would You Like To Add Five Or Six Figures To Your Expert Led Business In Only 6 Weeks Time From Now!
Have a look at the table below.

By assuming a $750 a month membership (I've seen groups that charge a lot more, but the figure works as a starter for 10), and deciding how many members you'd like in your group, you can quickly see the impact a Mastermind group will have on your income:

My road to Mastermind Groups was an interesting one, to say the least...

I left my established and successful career as a lawyer in 2003 to set up my marketing consultancy. However, until that time I had never run my own business.

I decided that I could not tell other people how to grow their business if I had never done it myself.

I bought a franchise selling promotional merchandise, items with a company name embroidered or printed onto them.

I had no client base and no income, so I hit the telephone, networked like crazy, went to exhibitions and did whatever it took to generate an income to feed my young family.
Within 12 months I had just under a six figure turnover but there was a problem; little or no profit.

I was living off credit cards and amassing a large debt pile. It was time to launch my consultancy, which I knew was going to be far more profitable.

As with the franchise, I threw myself into it and very soon passed 6 figures. My diary was full of client work to be done and client consultation calls.

Whilst the money and profits were good, three years into launching and running two businesses I was absolutely exhausted.

Just looking at my diary used to wear me out!

Something had to change!

I had now proven beyond doubt that I could help people to grow their business and to do so quickly, but I needed to leverage that expertise and my time so much better.

I had been recommended Napoleon Hill's 'Think and Grow Rich' as soon as I started my business, so knew all about the power of Mastermind Groups, and had already been a member of three by this time.

I decided it was time to launch my own.
It is fair to say that since that day, I have never looked back!
My diary is now only full for chunks of time of my choosing.

It is kept clear on Mondays and Fridays either for thinking time or long weekends away (remember those)?

At the same time, I have a happy client base and bank balance.
Does any of what I have said to this point resonate with you?
Are you are a coach, consultant or an expert in your field, working many hours for a lot of different clients every month and looking to change from that one to one model to one to many?
If yes, my Mastermind Group Blueprint will show you precisely how to do this, from the beginning of naming your Mastermind Group to the happy moment of billing your first intake!
In my Mastermind Group Blueprint I show you how any expert can launch their own Mastermind Group, adding a profitable revenue stream and boosting their personal income in the process in as little as 42 days from today.
Watch the video below to see what you will instantly receive when you buy my Mastermind Group Blueprint:
Would you like the complete step by step blueprint showing you precisely how to do it for a special price only available today?

Order Now: Mastermind Group Blueprint, includes:

How to determine the size of your group.
Pricing your group for maximum income benefits.
How to guarantee you launch your group and make it a success.
Your complete time frame from the day you buy this guide to the day you host your first meeting.
Your full launch process including your sales emails.
$19.99 Special Launch Price

"The Nick Jervis Mastermind Group Blueprint is a must have for anyone thinking about creating their own mastermind group.

Nick's blueprint provided me with the step by step process for setting up my mastermind group, The Millionaire Real Estate Syndicator Mastermind, and saved me days if not weeks of valuable time.

Thank you Nick!"

Derek Doke
The Millionaire Real Estate Syndicator Mastermind
Greater Seattle area
"This really is the go to guide if you're thinking of starting a Mastermind Group. It really focuses on best practice to deliver the best possible results for both client and mentor. The guide is eminently practical too, no waffle just clear instructions on how to get your group started in the fastest possible time.

I've been part of mastermind groups in the past and how I wish they would have been run like this. Now I'm starting my own mastermind group I have a definitive template to work from which will save me so much time.

I would also take the option to work with Nick as he will help you drill down and define your exact target audience so you get more delegates sooner matching your skill set and your industry knowledge. The best value item I've bought this year, can't wait to get started."

Phillip Reynolds, Founder & Director, Oak Innovation Limited
Is there anything else you could do in your business to add that income into your business for a maximum of 12 days of your time each year?

If there is, I'd love to know, because in my experience, there's very little in the world of coaching and consulting that can have that significant an impact on turnover, without requiring the commitment of many more days a year.

With a Mastermind group, it really is win-win – more income, which allows you to improve your lifestyle, and provide for your family, and more time, which means you can spend more time doing the things you love with the people you love.

I've been running my consultancy business for nearly 20 years now, and I still haven't come across anything better than a Mastermind group for dramatically increasing income whilst still protecting your time.

"I cannot think of a single thing to improve this incredibly comprehensive Mastermind Group Blueprint."

Chris Kenber Business Coach

"The Mastermind Principle:

Two or more people actively involved in the pursuit of a definite purpose with a positive mental attitude, constitute an unbeatable force."

Napoleon Hill - Author of the seminal book on Mastermind Groups

How the Mastermind Group Blueprint will help you set up, grow and profit from your very own Mastermind:
The Mastermind Group Blueprint includes a step-by-step system for you to follow that ensures your launch process is successful, and that the Mastermind you run works seamlessly for both you and your members.

In my system, you'll see every single stage of the process mapped out for you, including the emails you need to send to generate members for your mastermind, your telephone call strategy to close your prospects and the pricing strategy you need to make it a worthwhile, profitable venture.

The blueprint includes all of the following:
  • How to name your Mastermind Group to dramatically increase take up on launch.
  • How to determine the correct pricing strategy for your Mastermind Group so that it works for you and your members.
  • Your Mastermind Group Launch Process Diary – the complete time frame from the date you decide to launch a Mastermind Group right through to your first Mastermind Day!
  • How to sell your first one or two Mastermind Group places the easy way which then makes selling the remaining spaces a cinch.
  • The email launch sequence that fills your diary with people eager to learn more about your Mastermind Group. You'll get 10 email templates to use during your launch process.
  • The Suitability Call which makes your prospects eager to join your Mastermind Group without you having to do any selling.
  • The Mastermind Group Perfect Day Formula showing you precisely how to run your day for maximum impact for your members.
  • The very important 'Between Days Formula' to ensure that your members come back every time eager to participate and stay with you much longer than the original year.
"The Mastermind Blueprint by Nick is a great tool for entrepreneurs such as myself looking to venture in that direction.

Nick breaks the process down into pieces of advice, guides you through the multiple layers involved in launching your own Mastermind concept, and provides hands-on advice and activities which help Entrepreneurs to visualize their future group and organize their thoughts.

As Nick is a successful entrepreneur with first-hand experience in having launched successfully his own mastermind group, this Blueprint is dynamite, he knows exactly which questions will pop into the readers' minds and the sorts of issues which these budding entrepreneurs might make if they just dive into it immediately."
A Little More About My Background
I've been helping my clients grow their businesses now for nearly two decades.

And over the years, I've seen firsthand just how powerful Mastermind groups are.

I've run numerous for my own business and been a member of many other people's Mastermind groups too, which means I've got a huge amount of experience in what it takes to launch, run and grow a successful group.

Marketing is my thing, and I've been involved in several successful Mastermind launches, generating hundreds of thousands of pounds in income and helping my clients achieve fantastic work/life balance at the same time.

And Mastermind isn't just something I've "sold" – I've been a member of multiple groups over the years, and am currently in two Masterminds; I truly believe in the power of process.

I've seen firsthand how a Mastermind group can transform businesses; it's happened with my own business, as well as the clients in my own groups.

Nothing catapults an average performer into an exceptional performer better than a group of business peers who listen to your commitments every month and expect you to have undertaken them before the next meeting.

"Nick's Mastermind Group Blueprint is a game changer.

I have actually set up and run mastermind groups before using the "make it up as you go along" approach.

It worked OK for the first couple of small groups I set up as I had a group of clients that I already had a relationship with.

Now that I am looking to expand this to a wider audience the blueprint is proving invaluable as Nick has laid out everything for me to simply follow.

I now use his email templates, agenda for the day, benefits of joining a group, brochure / flyer templates, and pricing model!

In fact it's like painting by numbers now and I only wish I had started using it a lot sooner.

Thanks Nick"
Adam Butler – Private Boardroom

Mastermind Group membership enabled me to launch my first marketing book and to DOUBLE my turnover.
What will your Mastermind Group do for your members?

Sadly, the answer is nothing UNLESS and UNTIL you launch it.

If you're reading this, it's because you're interested in launching a Mastermind group but you haven't yet taken the plunge.

And I understand why. It can be daunting, and you might not know exactly what to do at each stage, and that's where the Blueprint comes in, guiding you through the entire process.
Your Investment?

How much would you pay to discover exactly what you need to do to add £50,000 per annum to your business turnover?

10% would seem like a pretty fair investment, would it not, particularly as Mastermind revenue is usually exceptionally high margin.

If I offered most business owners the chance to give me £5,000 in order to generate £50,000 per annum, they'd bite my arm off, and that's how valuable this Blueprint is.

But the good news is that it's not going to cost you £5,000, or anything close to that.

The Mastermind Group Model Blueprint is available for a fraction of that price IF YOU TAKE ACTION TODAY.

I don't want price to be a barrier in the way you of you taking action here, and I want to ensure that you do actually launch your Mastermind and hugely increase your income and profitability, as well as enjoying your business more.

So, I make this special offer to you in the sincere hope that you take action and see the results that you are looking for.

Expect fast action – invest in the Mastermind Group Model Blueprint today, get paid by your first client in as little as 14 days, host your first meeting in 42 days.
Zero risk – your investment is completely guaranteed!
I've poured years of experience into this guide.

I know it works, and I know that every scrap of information in it, every instruction, every template is proven to work.

However, to ensure that you do not miss this opportunity to take action and launch your own Mastermind Group and transform your business, I'm happy to give you a guarantee to secure your investment in your business growth.

Invest in the guide, and if in the following 30 days you decide that it doesn't represent value for money, I'll refund you every penny without any question.

I know this works; I want you to see it for yourself!

I don't hang around. I don't want this Blueprint to be something else you haven't taken action on, which is why it's designed to make it easy for you to take action quickly. And when you opt for private mentoring with me, I'll make certain that things move forward at a rate of knots.

"I found out about Nick and his coaching services from an email recommendation, and I'm happy I did!

Not only is his Mastermind Group Blueprint the complete package when it comes to learning how to create and run a Mastermind group, but his private mentoring is top-notch.

He's knowledgeable and totally responsive, and he's been happy to answer even my most off-the-wall questions.

If you get the chance to work with Nick, do it -- I highly recommend him."

Gina Longo
Decision Time
You've landed on this page because you want to launch a Mastermind group.

But the action you take now will determine whether your group is likely to be a success.

Will you keep scrolling around, accessing information about Masterminds, but never truly taking the plunge and getting your group launched?

Or will you accept my offer, secure your Blueprint today and make rapid action towards a new profitable revenue stream that provides more fun and more profit, and gives you more time back in your life?

If it's the latter, you need to click the button now – when you do I'll be in touch to deliver your guide.

So, what are you waiting for? Let's get your group launched....


Order Now: Mastermind Group Blueprint, includes:

How to determine the size of your group.
Pricing your group for maximum income benefits.
How to guarantee you launch your group and make it a success.
Your complete time frame from the day you buy this guide to the day you host your first meeting.
Your full launch process including your sales emails.
$19.99 Special Launch Price
You Will Only See This Special Price For The Mastermind Group Blueprint $19.99 Today
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
I know this guide is of the highest quality and will help you to launch your Mastermind Group the right way, profitably and successfully, so I am more than happy to Guarantee it if it ensures that you do not miss this chance to buy it now!
P.S. This one time only $19.99 price is to reward you for taking action today and to encourage you to go ahead and launch your Mastermind Group. This Blueprint gives you everything you need to do that, so if you are serious about launching your own Mastermind Group, let's go!
PPS. Buy The Mastermind Group Model Blueprint Today, get paid by your first client in as little as 14 Days and host your first Mastermind Group Meeting in as little as 42 days from today.